1 x Quart 0.946 Liter Mobil 1 Extended Performance Engine Oil 0W-20

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Product Description

Mobil 1™ Extended Performance 0W-20, 5W-20, 5W-30, and 10W-30 are advanced full synthetic engine oils designed to keep your engines running like new and protect critical engine parts for 15,000 miles between oil changes. Mobil 1 Extended Performance features a special formulation that helps to provide outstanding protection during today's longer oil change intervals.

Features and Potential Benefits

Mobil 1 Extended Performance 0W-20, 5W-20, 5W-30, and 10W-30 are made with a proprietary blend of high performance synthetic basestocks fortified with a precisely balanced additive component system, designed especially to help deliver performance and protection during long service intervals. Mobil 1 Extended Performance oils are uniquely designed to help provide outstanding levels of performance, cleaning power and engine protection, even during longer oil change intervals.

Features Advantages and Potential Benefits
Advanced Full synthetic formula Helps to prevent deposits and sludge build-up to enable long engine life. Excellent overall lubrication and wear protection performance under many all operating conditions, from mild to severe
Precise balance of performance additives Helps to provide outstanding engine protection at oil change intervals of up to 15,000 miles or 1 year, whichever comes first
Outstanding thermal and oxidation stability Exceptional control of oil breakdown; Helps maintain stable oil viscosity
Provides exceptional engine protection Helps tomaintain long engine life and is compatible with engine seals
Excellent low temperature capabilities Quick cold weather starting for fast protection and extended engine life.
Helps to provide less stress on your starting system



Mobil 1 Extended Performance engine oils are recommended for all types of modern vehicles, including high-performance turbo-charged, supercharged gasoline multi-valve fuel injected engines found in passenger cars, SUVs, light vans and trucks.

  • Mobil 1 Extended Performance oils provide guaranteed protection of critical engine parts for 15,000 miles or one year, whichever comes first. Excluded service includes: commercial and racing applications; frequent towing or hauling; extremely dusty or dirty conditions; or excessive idling.
  • If your vehicle is covered by a warranty, follow the vehicle's oil life sensor or the oil change interval recommended in your owner's manual. Proper maintenance practices, including frequently checking the oil level to ensure that the appropriate amount of oil is present, are required to ensure effective performance. 



Mobil 1 Extended Performance meets or exceeds the requirements of: 0W-20 5W-20 5W-30 10W-30
ACEA     A1/B1, A5/B5 A1/B1, A5/B5
Ford   WSS-M2C945-A WSS-M2C946-A  
Ford WSS-M2C947-A WSS-M2C930-A WSS-M2C929-A  
Ford WSS-M2C947-B1      
Honda     HTO-06  


Mobil 1 Extended Performance has the following builder approvals: 0W-20 5W-20 5W-30 10W-30
General Motors dexos1™ Gen 2  (License number D10105GH015) dexos1™ Gen 2  (License number D10106GH015) dexos1™ Gen 2  (License number D10107GH015)  


(dexos1 is a registered trademark of General Motors)


According to ExxonMobil, Mobil 1 Extended Performance is of the following quality level: 0W-20 5W-20 5W-30 10W-30
General Motors 4718M     X X
General Motors 6094M X X X X


Typical Properties

Mobil 1 Extended Performance 0W-20 5W-20 5W-30 10W-30
SAE Grade 0W-20 5W-20 5W-30 10W-30
Viscosity @ 100 ºC, cSt (ASTM D445) 8.6 8.9 10.6 10.2
Viscosity, @ 40 ºC, cSt (ASTM D445) 44.9 49.6 59.8 63.7
Viscosity Index 173 161 169 147
Sulfated Ash, wt% (ASTM D874) 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
HTHS Viscosity, mPa•s @ 150 ºC (ASTM D4683) 2.7 2.75 3.0 3.1
Pour Point, ºC (ASTM D97) -54 -42 -40 -39
Flash Point, ºC (ASTM D92) 235 230 230 232
Density @ 15.6 ºC g/ml (ASTM D4052) 0.839 0.850 0.851 0.856